Please Read Disclaimer at the bottom
of this page. For questions on the Ruger 22/45, visit the
forum. Registration is free, so register and ask a question. I
or another member will try to help.
Disassemble and Reassemble Instructions for 22/45:
Field Strip
Trigger / bolt stop
Hammer / Safety
Magazine release button
Manual - (links
Ruger manual .pdf)
For MKII's go to 1bad69's
Field Strip Parts |
Grip Parts |
Bolt Parts |
Magazine Parts |
Warning and Disclaimer:
Make sure that the firearm is
unloaded before going further. Also, be aware that if you modify firearms
from factory stock, you may void any warranty.
Important: NEVER, EVER HAVE LIVE AMMO of the caliber of the firearm you
are working on IN THE SAME ROOM. Only inert "Dummy" rounds, or
"Snap-Caps" should be allowed in your work area. Be SAFE.
Make sure that the firearm is unloaded before doing any work.
By modifying firearms, you are accepting personal responsibility for any
damage to the firearms and/or property. In addition, you agree to be
responsible for making sure that the firearm passes all safety checks
after modification. If you do not feel competent to make such checks, do
not attempt modifications.
Any instructions or information on this site is for informational purposes
only, and by viewing any of these pages you agree to not hold me or anyone
connected with this site responsible for carrying out these instructions.
I am not a lawyer or gun smith, these pages are just sharing my
experiences and opinions. |